Search Results
Lambda Days 2018 - Maximilian Algehed - QuickSpec: A Lightweight Theory Exploration Tool (...)
QuickSpec: A Lightweight Theory Exploration Tool for Programmers (System Demonstration)
Lambda Days 2018 - Clément Delafargue - TDD as in Type-Driven Development
Lambda Days 2018 - Rafał Studnicki - Guaranteed SLAs with higher-order functions (...)
Ci4C4 quickSPEC
VisPar: Visualising dataflow graphs from the Par monad
CSP with Minizinc - Best Burger - Solution
CSP with MiniZinc - Part 2: Using matrix and aggregation operators
Optimize all the things with MiniZinc - Melvin Zhang - FOSSASIA 2018
Fear Not, or a Brief Introduction to Parse Transformations: Yurii Rashkovskii
Haskell for Imperative Programmers #42 - QuickSpec